Information about Camp Finland 2019


Here at the Clair Nelson Community Center, we’re starting to get excited about Camp Finland 2019! Many thanks to the Northland Foundation and DSCAF Silver Bay Charitable Fund for their ongoing support, as well as to the many community members who share their time and talents.  Camp Finland is a day camp for children, ages 5 to 11. We strive to provide children with a high quality summer camp experience, fostering a lifelong love of nature, discovery, friendship, learning and leadership. First and foremost, Camp Finland is FUN! New this year, is the addition of a “Teen Camp” for ages 12 to 18.  This will be an overnight camp running at the same time as kids camp. If you have older kids, look for that mailing! This year’s dates are Monday through Friday, June 17 to 21, 9am to 4pm (Note: start time is one hour earlier than previous years) with one overnight on Thursday (optional). Transportation will be provided by Arrowhead Transit. We will be providing breakfast, lunch, snacks – dinner and campfire treats for the overnight.

We will be taking 30 kids this year. The deadline is May 1st to mail in your child(ren)’s application, fee of $50, or fee waiver in to us! Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis, so please do it soon! Staff this year (some old, some new) will be as follows:

Administrator/Directors:  Amy Gardner and Cindy Hanson

Lead Counselors:  Kenny Albrecht and Rebecca Larson

Counselors-in-Training (CITs):  to be announced

Lead Cook and Kitchen staff:  Nancy Olson,  Gretchen Gilbertson, Mary Kingston

Special Needs Assistant:   Kathy Nelson

Please Note:  We will not accommodate partial week attendance. Your child(ren) need to be able to attend all 5 days of Camp in order to secure a spot which could otherwise be made available to another child. This is also important in order to promote the continuity and cohesiveness of our “Camp Family.”

These slots will be filled on a first-come-first-serve basis. Your child will be assured a spot once we have received both their completed registration form and  $50 fee. Fee waivers are available – just ask.  The past couple years we’ve had waiting lists, so please return your form and fee ASAP!  We sincerely hope your child can join us!

Amy Gardner and Cindy Hanson

Camp Finland Administrator/Directors

For more info call Amy at 353-7536 or the Clair Nelson Center at 353-0300

Download: Camp Finland Registration Form 2019 PDF

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