Local Businesses & Organizations
Come to the Monthly Community Potluck!
Join us on the last Sunday of every month at the Clair Nelson Center for a community potluck! Social hour at 5pm, dinner at 6pm. Invite your friends and bring a dish to share. All are welcome.
Community Center Calendar
Finland Events
- John Beargrease Checkpoint (Last Sunday of January)
- Vintage Snowmobile Run (2nd Weekend of February)
- St. Urho's Day Celebration (March 16th 2023)
- Finland Fireman's Wooden Bat Tournament (3rd weekend of July)
- Tori Finish Marketplace (2nd Saturday of August)
- Isabella Softball Tournament (2nd weekend of September)
- Harvest Booya Fest (First Saturday of October)
- Pikku Joulu (first Thursday in December: December 7th 2023)