Outdoor Improvements Fundraising Update

One of our goals in 2015 has been to do some outdoor improvements to make the site nicer and more user friendly. This summer, with the help of Whitetails Unlimited Cabin Fever Chapter and Crystal Bay Township, we were able to install a swingset that has been very popular with the kids (and some “big kids” too). Our International Dinner: Food and Folk Art of Mexico Fundraiser was a great success, raising over $2,000. Some of these funds were used to complete the swingset installation. The remaining funds will be used to repaint the dugouts and concession stand in Spring of 2016.

We are now working with Lake County Soil and Water to look at re-engineering key areas on site to funnel runoff away from parking areas and the septic system, build our soil to prevent erosion and remove invasive species.

Recently, IRRRB awarded a grant that will allow the completion of the RV Dump Station next summer. This will allow the installation of a cement basin for waste, and will make the Dump Station more user-friendly.

We still need gravel and topsoil for the playground, more sand for the digging toys and Gaga ball pit, heavy-duty outdoor garbage and recycling receptacles, benches, a bike rack, and maintenance work on the tennis court and ball field. We will continue to write grants and figure out ways to do this work in pieces, but we need to continue to raise money in order to do it all. Grants often need to have matching funds, so donations help a lot. We appreciate your ongoing support! Donations can be made online at https://www.givemn.org/organization/Friends-Of-The-Finland-Community

Whitetails Unlimited and Finland Community Youth Program with the new swingset, Summer 2015
Whitetails Unlimited and Finland Community Youth Program with the new swingset, Summer 2015

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